“How do I discern the moonbeams that awaken me in the middle of the night as the Diwata's voice, gently urging me forward with her story? How does one recognize the profound beauty of a flower, the sheer awe evoked by a breathtaking sunset? It is here in the intangible spaces that we must place our trust, a world unseen yet deeply felt."
“Diwata Rising”
In the vibrant tapestry of indigenous Filipino culture, woven across a stunning archipelago of 7,100 islands , the Diwata emerges as a figure of profound complexity, resilience, remarkable depth and wildish diversity.
She is the Primeval Goddess. Among her many faces, the one that stands out and resonates with me is her Wild Woman archetype - a figure that melds the untamed spirit of nature with a profound wisdom that can only come from living in harmony with the earth. The Wild Woman, as an archetype, represents a unique fusion of characteristics that personify the Diwata. She is untamed, refusing to be bound by societal norms or expectations. The Wild Diwata revels in her primal nature, drawing strength and inspiration from her unshackled connection to the natural world.
This embodiment of the Wild Woman also bears the spirit of a warrior. Like the indigenous Diwata, Mayari, she takes on the role of a moon goddess and a warrior of revolution. This lunar connection symbolizes the cyclical nature of life, the ebb and flow of emotions and energy - much like the phases of the moon.
However, her versatility doesn't stop there. As the Diwata named Tala, she rules the evening star Venus, akin to the Goddess of love. Her love is not just affectionate, it is intense and passionate, igniting the fires of desire in those who come under her spell.
She is also the incarnation of the sexual Goddess Eos, the Goddess of Dawn, in the form of the Diwata, Hanan, with wings that open the gates in heaven to let the sun shine through, she ushers in renewal and awakening. Her radiant presence signals the start of a new day, both in the physical and metaphorical sense.
But there's more to the Diwata than meets the eye. Her shamanic traits offer a unique perspective on her nature. The Diwata practices shamanic medicine work, employing the ancient knowledge of herbs, plants, and natural elements for healing and balance. Animals become her powerful allies, offering their guidance, strength and energy to her pursuits. She possesses a profound connection with animals, seeing them not merely as creatures of the wild but as wise guides and allies in her spiritual journey. Animal spirit guides accompany her, each imparting their unique wisdom and medicine, providing guidance in life's ever-unfolding challenges. I see her with the ability to inherit the essence of animals, channeling their strengths and taking on their forms in the natural world. She is a guardian of balance, reminding us of the deep interconnection between living beings and the profound wisdom that nature generously offers to those who seek it.
She is the Lynx, the keeper of secrets and mysteries. With her piercing gaze, she unravels the enigma of the universe, guiding seekers through the labyrinth of the unknown. She is the Wolf Mother, playful and protective in equal measure. Her nurturing spirit envelopes those who seek her guidance, fostering a sense of community and love within the pack. She is the Deer, her gentle eyes capable of taming demons with compassion. As a guardian, she clears the path for women on their sacred journey, leading them to their personal peaks. She embodies the power of the Buffalo, a sacred link to higher divine forces. She carries the wisdom of the ages, a channel to the mystical realms. She bears the gaze of the Jaguar, a silent and impeccable presence. With every step, she moves with integrity, navigating the reeds of life with ease, leaving a trail of transformation and wonder in her wake. Beneath her feet dances the Butterfly, master of metamorphosis. In the cocoon of solitude, she creates a sanctuary, where inner evolution is nurtured. When the time is right, her dreams take flight, unveiling magnificent, colorful wings to conquer the skies. Within her resides the Osprey, a traveler of heavens and ocean depths. She soars through ethereal realms, dives into the emotional seas, and bridges the realms of the seen and unseen. She is the Fierce Huntress, leading a mystical retinue of cloaked, feathered sisters. The Eagle, with its majestic vision, the Great Blue Heron, the embodiment of timeless grace and patience, the Hawk, master of insight, and the Crow, bearer of sacred messages, all follow her guidance. To her right strides the energy of the Great Boar, symbolizing untamed strength and ferocity. On her left, the Mountain Lion, a symbol of primal courage, a fiercely protective mother, a vigilant huntress and an embodiment of unwavering authority. She bridges the gaps in our human existence, the underworld, the natural world, and the spiritual realm. The Diwata, in her Wild Woman archetype, is not only a symbol of liberation and self-discovery but also a profound reflection of the deep-seated connection that our indigenous lineage holds with nature and animist spirituality. Her presence reminds us of the essential interconnectedness of all living beings.
“We are filled with the longing for the wild. There are few culturally sanctioned antidotes for this yearning. We are taught to feel shame for such a desire. We grew our hair long and used it to hide our feelings. But the shadow of the wild woman lurks behind us during our days and in our nights. No matter where we are, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-footed”
Diwata's sexual energy is not just a personal awakening;
it is a Creative Force.
She is the Primeval Goddess, Wild Woman, The Divine Creatrix, the source of life in every woman.
She is not only a Deity, but a representation of pure divine feminine energy, a beacon of hope for women who have been robbed of their inner light. Diwata steps into the empty spaces left within women's souls, spaces created by the plundering of their fertile spirits, the wounds inflicted by patriarchal structures steeped in a culture of sexual violence, rape and incest.
“People may ask for evidence, for proof of the wild woman’s existence. They are essentially asking for proof of the psyche. Since we are the psyche, we are also evidence. Each and everyone of us is the evidence of not only Wild Woman’s existence, but Wild Woman’s condition in the collective. We are the proof of this ineffable female numen. Our existence parrallels hers.”
Perhaps the most profound influence that the Diwata exerts on my feminine psyche is her innate and potent sexual energy. This vital aspect of her essence, which had been systematically erased during the centuries of colonization, the suppression of indigenous cultures and the malevolent raping of the sacred feminine, holds unparalleled gravity in my life. The stories and wisdom inherent in this facet of the Diwata's being had largely vanished from oral and written traditions, but it's within this realm of the invisible and intangible that I must place my trust - a world unseen but deeply felt.
In this liminal phase of our collective evolution, I believe that the invisible world of the Wild Diwata supports and guides me. How do I discern the moonbeams that awaken me in the middle of the night as the Diwata's voice, gently urging me forward with her story? In the same way that we recognize the profound beauty of a flower, the sheer awe evoked by a breathtaking sunset. It is in these moments of profound connection that I must offer a resounding "yes" to my own authenticity, for it's in this affirmation that we begin to reclaim our own personal myths.
These are not myths imposed from without, but rather, they spring from within me, as I inherit them from the Diwata herself. The revival of her primal sexual energy marks a reclamation of a vital part of our healing the collective feminine identity, a piece of our history that had been systematically erased. This reclamation had prompted me to engage in a profound act of self-discovery, to unearth stories that may have long been dormant, buried beneath layers of oppression and colonization.
By saying "yes" to my own authenticity, I embark on a journey to invoke and evoke the Wild Diwata so I may access the wisdom and power she embodies. I discern her presence in moonbeams, wildflowers, sunsets, and the four footed shadow that accompanies my running. Through her energy, I begin to piece together the puzzle of an oppressive past, rediscovering the complexities of my old heritage, and voicing the narratives that had once been silenced. The essence of Diwata's sexual energy is not just a personal awakening; it is a Creative Force. She is the Primeval Goddess, The Wild Woman, The Divine Creatrix, the source of life in every woman. She is the Truth Teller, she speaks of the unspeakable. Her creative energy not only sustains her but also uplifts her, her families, her communities, and the world. It is this profound connection between the Diwata and her wild creative energy that inspires me to journey further, to embrace the transformative power of sexuality as a force of creation, healing and empowerment.