The Diwata Child Speaks

“To work the magic is to weave the unseen forces into form - to soar beyond sight…to leap beyond imagination into the space between the worlds where fantasy becomes real, to be at once animal, and God.”


Raven, land on my right shoulder now so I may write down this truth: The most significant work for a woman who has experienced sexual violence is the work to reclaim her Divine Feminine Power. For it is in this spiritual realm where alchemy and healing can take place.

Raven, spread your magical wings and stretch them out so big that they create this cloak of magic around me now. Allow me to be connected to the ether, the primeval void where all vibration begins. Let your “Caw! Caw!” ring into my ear and bounce back, out into the swirling ether, to cause it to tremble, to rise, to swirl higher and higher! And with the strength of that vibration, travel through space and time, to take on the element of sound - the sound that carries my highest expression and truest mission. Let it land here, on each side of my head, through the auditory canals and into my brain: How may I be of service? May I be an open channel? Can I have the discernment, humility, and intelligence to get out of the way of this divine frequency?

The Diwata Child speaks. This work will require me to return to my knowingness of the Diwata Child who was at one with curiosity and adventure. The one who heard the owl’s hooing from the tree of mystery. This is her sweet vibration. She held my body while I left it, she faced the violence while remaining untouched, she witnessed me shatter into a million pieces while remaining whole. She kept her umbilical cord attached to creation, to Goddess Source. The Diwata Child speaks to me, her voice behind the wind that pushes these fingers to write on the page, to infuse the pen with the five cosmic elements at its tip. The ink moves with the swirling of the ether as she speaks: I am the child of creation. I am the container that held all the things you were not prepared to experience. I am the unyielding tornado that destroys the patriarchal structures that conspire to desecrate you. I am Love. I am You.

Corina "Syren" Millado

Corina “Syren” Millado is the creator of The Diwata Project. She is a protector of the divine feminine, a sacred disruptor of the patriarchy, a facilitator of the Goddess Empowerment Worskhops “Diwata Rising.” and leader of the Diwata Goddess Circles. Her mission is to end sexual violence in the world. She currently resides in Los Angeles and Montana.

The Call of the Dark Feminine


Tigrayan Women: Underscoring the Urgency for the Healing of the Divine Feminine